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Any chance in the future ~2 years out state playoff broadcasts come back to
Any chance in the future ~2 years out state playoff broadcasts come back to
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I am a broadcaster at I don't think anyone has argued that point @sportcrazy. We ( think it is great when events other than varsity sports get coverage at schools. While we certainly have the ability to do that, it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint to do anything more than varsity games, especially since webcasting is only a small part of what we do.
Yes, the NFHS Network allows schools to broadcast whatever they want. So does Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, Striv, Twitter and a hundred other online services that don't require the school to spend thousands of dollars on expensive cameras (that they don't even own) and installation. Since production quality isn't a priority if you are thinking of getting a Pixellot, then getting an iPad, laptop and Youtube account is a pretty cheap alternative and doesn't require patrons to pay to watch that tri-meet debate event.
"But the schools get revenue from subscriptions"
It is my understanding that most of the Pixellot contracts are for 5 years and don't allow the school to collect any revenue until the 4th year of the contract - unless they pay an additional $2,000 fee. For the first three years of a five year contract, the schools make nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. Small schools are putting out upwards of $5,000 just for the cameras and then pay thousands more to have them installed. Then they have to either pay ANOTHER $2,000 to start generating a small cut (10%) of the net profits immediately or wait three years for the revenue split to kick in. Since there is a massive shortage of referees in every sport, how about that $7,000 gets used to pay refs more? Wouldn't that do more to increase the number of new referees than countless social media posts? How about paying for shot clocks? How about new text books? Pay off school lunch debt? Chrome Books?
Keep in mind, that revenue split isn't 10% of the total $10-ish subscription. That is 10% of the net profits after all the unitemized administrative, processing and other fees/charges are taken out. Let's be conservative and say those total only 30% which leaves about $7 left to split. 10% is $.70 cents. If a school paid $5,000 + $2,000 installation, that means they have to sell 10,000 monthly subscriptions over the final two years of their contract just to break even. That "might" happen at a 5A or large 4A school, but will it at a 3A, 2A or 1A school?
The schools are also only eligible to generate revenue when patrons sign up for a subscription through the school's personalized affiliate link. If they sign up by following another school's link on social media, their money goes to that school. Fans that sign up by just going directly to the NFHS web site, their money goes to them, meaning 100% goes in to their coffers and no school in Idaho gets any cut of the subscription or monthly renewals that follow. Really makes you think, doesn't it? If only people knew how all of this worked.
Something to keep in mind is that the NFHS Network will allow any member school broadcast any event from a freshman girls basketball game to a tri meet debate event. I don’t think Idahosports has that ability.
Is there any place you can go to find out how much the ISHAA is making off the whole deal?
I wonder if one of the main reasons for IHSAA's contract extension has to do with the Pixxellot cameras that are being installed in gyms around the state. These cameras allow for streaming of all games and competitions in that gym without having broadcasters/commentators. All can be seen with NFHS subscription.
Hopefully you guys come back and read this. There were a lot of things said in this thread that aren't accurate any more. Here is where things currently stand.
In 2016, the IHSAA signed a 5 year contract with the NFHS Network. @Summertime_fan was correct in his amounts and time frames. @TrainingTable included a link to an article the Statesman did when it happened. HOWEVER, soon after that (not sure exactly when) the deal was changed to a profit-sharing basis instead of a guaranteed amount every year. No one knows how much, or how little, that actually is.
Then, in September of 2018, the IHSAA Board of Directors extended the video rights contract with the NFHS Network until 2028. This was done in the executive (private) session the day before the public meeting. There was no mention of it, or discussion, during the public meeting the next day and it was not included in the meeting's minutes. There was also no press release or announcement from the IHSAA about it.
A few months ago, I heard a rumor this had happened and asked the IHSAA about it. I was told it was true. I asked if's audio rights contact would be extended until 2028 as well. I was told I was more than welcome to submit a proposal and the Board would take a look at it. I recently submitted a proposal to match the contract extension and was told that it would be on the "discussion agenda" during the December public board meeting being held December 10th.
I will be at the Board meeting at the IHSAA office next Tuesday morning. I have no reason to think they won't extend our audio rights contract, but nothing is guaranteed. Wish us luck....
It is good for any NFHS game broadcast not only Idaho.... Idahosports was always free over the internet - They would charge a small fee if you wanted a high def DVD....
I am going to pay to watch Sugar vs Snake and hopefully Sugar vs Timberlake/Homedale in the championship. It is $11 a month, does anyone know if this covers all sports and all levels? or Do I have to pay separate if I want to watch some 2A, 4A and 5A tonight?
I kinda remember Idaho Sports used to stream everything for one low cost.
I sure hope that Idaho Sports gets the contract at some point. The games video streamed from Holt Arena were awful - no audio and many plays the camera wasn't following the play. I can't believe they charged for the service. I think the audio stream from Idaho Sports was much better and at least they are local and have a chance of knowing the kids playing.
The original contract was $45k a year for the first 3 years with an optional renewal at $65k for years 4-5 is what I remember. NFHS had the option to get out after year 3. I noticed that they have dropped their subscription rates in Idaho just a little from what they originally were. However, as you pointed out the cameras in Holt maybe a longer term commitment. I was wondering if they were going to opt out after 3? I know Idhsaa would like the full $265k from them, and that is what they are planning. But do business situations allow for that?
It was a substantial amount of money. Something like an extra $200,000 over a 5 year period. And, NFHS is only required to do the championship games. My understanding is that if NFHS declines a game, then IHSAA can reward that game to IdahoSports. Where it gets messy is the new automated cameras that the NFHS has installed at certain locations such as Holt Arena. This makes it so that the game can be broadcast without any audio. Maybe the IHSAA should attempt to amend the contract and allow IdahoSports to do the audio for the NFHS games and allow both to work in conjunction with each other. This article indicated that Ty Jones expected equal coverage. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
I sure hope so. A noticeable dip in the games broadcast over the past couple years. Glad that is broadcasting the audio of more games this weekend. Part of the fun of the playoffs is following along with teams that you don't get to see very often. I wonder how much money the IHSAA actually makes from the NFHS. They sure threw Idaho under the bus for a couple of bucks.